Sunday 22 June 2014

Penguin Cup Guide 2014

Hey everyone! Put your shoes on and make sure to warm up beforehand, because the Penguin Cup is on now!

When you first log in, Aunt Arctic will give you a little information about the Penguin Cup.

The whole island has been decorated in the team colors, and it looks really cool!

Let's get started! First, click on the soccer ball on the top right of your screen.

It's time to pick your team! I'm going to play for the Space Squids in the Penguin Cup.

When you pick a team, you'll see this screen, or something very similar. So, from this screen you can do many things. Everyone can collect a free Penguin Cup Ball. You can use this ball for shootouts, but I'll get to that later. You can view where each team are on the ladder. As you can see, the Sharks are steaming ahead of everyone else. You can also unlock items from here once you've played a certain amount of shootouts. Now, let's get to shootouts!

To start a shootout, just hold the Penguin Cup Ball and press D.

After you've done this, you just have to wait for someone else to join you. You can also just click on another penguin waiting to start a shootout to begin one.

This game is pretty simple. A sort of pattern will appear on you screen, with a moving circle and a target.

To kick a goal, you have to click on your side of the screen when the moving circle is above the target.

To win, you have to kick more goals than the other penguin before the time runs out.

When the game finishes, you'll earn points depending on how many goals you've kicked, and how many you've kicked in a row. After you've reached a certain number of points, a set of items will be unlocked.

The top set of items are for everyone, and the bottom set are for members only. You points, or Career Total, can be seen at the top left of this screen, or by clicking on your, or another penguin's player card.

As your earning goals for your team, you might see penguins with super soccer shoes! These shoes are for members only, and can be unlocked by earning a certain number of Career points.

The first pair of shoes you unlock are the Water Power Shoes! If you wear them and press D, you can see a cool animation.

You can do this with the other shoes as well. These shoes will help you a lot while you're in a shootout.

Basically, what these shoes do is help you kick goals faster, and they help a lot! As you unlock more shoes, they'll help you score faster. The Lightning Power Shoes are the fastest shoes you can get.

If you need to take a break from playing soccer, or to train, you can relax at your team base! Blue base is the Beach, Green base is the Dock, Red base is the Forest and Yellow base is the Cove. You can also get a different colored Vuvuzela from each team base.

If you've bought the Soccer Pitch Igloo background, and have it as you current background, your igloo will be featured on the Stadium Igloos list.

There are also eight new emotes: A yellow and red card emote, a whistle emote, a foam hand emote in each team color and a goal emote.

That's the Penguin Cup! I'll keep you update on who wins! Only seven days to go!
Waddle on!

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