Tuesday 30 April 2013

Ooze gloves and new robot

Hey everyone! The newest power gloves and robot have arrived!

These new gloves are called the Ooze gloves, and you can throw toxic ooze snowballs with them.

Today's robot is a flying long armed robot.

If you press W while this robot's deployed, it does a sort of evil laugh.

And that's today's power gloves and robot! Stay tuned for tomorrow's power gloves and robot!
Waddle on!

Fireball Gloves and New Robot

Hey everyone! The newest power gloves and robot are out!

These new power gloves are called Fireball Gloves, and guess what they do? Yes, they shoot fireballs!

The newest robot looks like a spider cross with Wall-E.

It's quite a bit smaller compared to the last robot.

That's all! I wonder what ability the next power gloves will have?
Waddle on!

Monday 29 April 2013

Card-Jitsu Snow sneak peek

Hey everyone! Spike Hike has tweeted this picture of Sensei in the snow!

It looks like Sensei is looking at someone on the top of that mountain! Who could it be? A snow ninja? Or maybe Sensei's long lost brother? What do you think? You can view this picture here.
Waddle on!

Superhero and Hero Hoodie

Hey everyone! While I was trying to get 50,000 points to get the Hero Hoodie, I managed to get to the top of the crystal mini-game! I collected a massive crystal, and then this came up!

Awesome! If you manage to make it to the top, you get this free Superhero Hoodie! The only tips I can give you is when there's a line of crystals, try to stay in it to get maximum boost and make sure you time your jumps right. And after about 15 minutes, I managed to get the Hero Hoodie. This is what it looks like on your penguin.

Awesome! Good luck in getting both the hoodies!
Waddle on!

New robot and power gloves

Hey everyone! A new set of power gloves and a new robot have come out!

The new power gloves are called Brainwave Gloves. You can use them to shoot brainwaves to destroy things.

The newest robots is massive!

Look at the size difference between him and my penguin!

Well, only four more robots to go until that hoodie!
Waddle on!

Aunt Arctic: Marvel Superhero Takeover

Hey everyone! Just like last year, Aunt Arctic will be waddling around the city, reporting for the Club Penguin times!

And she has a new background!

At the moment, there's plenty of time to find here, but I think you'll probably want to find her quickly or before you know it, the party's ended! Good luck!
Waddle on!

Game On!: Marvel Superhero Takeover

Hey everyone! Game On has done a review on the Marvel Superhero Takeover!

Awesome! I can't wait until all eight robots are unlocked. I really want that hoodie!
Waddle on!

My Penguin app snowballs

Hey everyone! Spike Hike recently tweeted this sneak peek of the My Penguin app.

It looks like someone has thrown a snowball at him. I looks like you might be able to do that to someone else who's on the app. That penguin might have to be your friend. Maybe you could even throw a snowball at someone who's online using a computer? That would be cool!
Waddle on!

Sunday 28 April 2013

Marvel Superhero Takeover 2013

Hey everyone! The Marvel Superhero Takeover is on!

As soon as you log in, you get the option to fight for good or evil! What side will you choose? Today, we'll be looking at both sides, so lets be a super hero first!

You'll get the option to power up your gloves, but click the X button for now.

So, there are nine types of power gloves which do different things. Unfortunately, only the first power glove is available for non-members. The rest of the power gloves are for members only. A glove is unlocked each day. The first glove has the ability to fix things that you can destroy with the other gloves, like cars and lamp posts. The second glove has the ability to shoot electric bolts. The third glove has the ability to shoot a stream of water and the forth glove has the ability to shoot fire. Now, there's a superhero hoodie on the left that you can unlock when you get 50,000 points. You can get these points by play the new mini-game! Lets check it out! Click power up to play it.

This game is pretty simple. You get launched into the air, and you have to jump on the crystals. Each crystal you get in a row, your score goes up by ten. If you miss a crystal, you fall and the game is over. You score is added onto your score count for the superhero hoodie. Once you get 50,000 points, you can get the hoodie. Now, lets check out the evil side of the party!

The villains are all about robots! Their mini-game is a robot making game. Let's play it! But first, you have to choose your robot. As the same with the gloves, a new robot is unlocked each day. Let's build the first one!

On the left hand side, you can choose the body for the type of robot you want to build. Now, the aim of this is to build the robot in the fastest time. Different part will appear, and you have to choose the parts that match the robots parts. The faster you build the robot, the more colors you can choose from.

You can only build eight robots per round. It cycles through all the different robot types you've unlocked. Once you've unlocked and built all eight robots, you can unlock a villain hoodie. But the cool thing is, you can actually walk your robots! But only members can do this. Simply click the robot type and color, and press deploy!

If you press T and aim, you robot will throw a snowball that can destroy things. If you press D, your robot will crack the ground.

And if you press W, your robot will perform a special action depending on what type of robot it is.

If you want to remove your robot, just click on your player card and remove your robot controller. But if you remove your robot, it'll be recycled! Now finally, lets take a look around the city!

If you go to mostly any room, you should see a superhero catalog in the bottom right of your screen!

That's a lot of Iron Man suits! I think this party might be based a bit on the new Iron Man 3 movie that's recently come out at the movies. There's also other awesome costumes, like The Mandarin, Captain Marvel and Odin.

And all the old superhero costumes from last years party.

There's three new emotes: A siren, money bag and explosion.

If you go to the Pizza Parlor, you can get a free money bag item.

If you're a villain, you might want to avoid the police and superheros by hiding in the secret robot factory! You can get their by secret entrances in the Stage and Cove.

You can build robots directly from here or question any superheros or police you might have captured. But if you're a superhero, you'll want to check out the Beach.

Here, you can visit an apartment which I think resembles Tony Stark's apartment in the Iron Man movies.

And you can launch yourself to the Heli-Carrier!

And that's the Marvel Superhero Takeover for this year! I'll keep you guys updated whenever a new robot or power glove is available. Until then, enjoy the party!
Waddle on!

Thursday 25 April 2013

My Penguin App

Hey everyone! It's finally been revealed! There's going to be a Club Penguin app called My Penguin! Spike Hike tells us more in his post on the What's New Blog.

"Hello Penguins! I've had a secret that I've wanted to share to everyone for almost a year... Today I can finally share it with you!

Some of you may have seen me show up occasionally in the Friends list from a place called "My Penguin." A few of you guessed that it may be a secret Club Penguin app on mobile... You were right!!!

I'm excited to tell you that our new iPad app is coming soon!

The first version of "My Penguin" will let you play some of your favorite mini-games, shop from the catalog, and change your Penguin's outfit. The app is totally connected to Club Penguin, so your Penguin, clothing and coins will be shared whether on mobile or web.

That's just the beginning, too... We'll be updating the app regularly and bringing more of the Club Penguin world to the app throughout the year!! Stay tuned to the blog for more news and updates on "My Penguin!"

Until then... Waddle On!"

Awesome! It looks like in the first version of the app from this picture, that you'll also be able to check your friends list, look at the What's New Blog, watch Club Penguin videos and play some mini-games like Pufflescape, Puffle Rescue, Puffle Roundup and Ice Fishing. It looks like that maybe one of the arcade games will be coming out on it soon? And I wonder if Club Penguin'll merge the Puffle Launch app with this app. Whatever happens, I can't wait for this to come out! You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

Saturday 20 April 2013

Tour Guide's Marvel Superhero Takeover Q&A

Hey everyone! Tour Guide, a Club Penguin moderator who you might have seen around the island, has made a post on the What's New Blog for the first time!

"Hi Everyone,

Tour Guide here with my first blog post ever! You may not know me, but I spend lots of time with Polo and the team! I'm always busy reading your comments, and giving tours online.

In my line of work, I meet a lot of amazing penguins with tons of great questions. And I want to answer as many as I can!

Today I've got answers to your Marvel Superhero Takeover questions.

Will last year's Marvel costumes return? They sure will! You'll have another chance to suit up as all your favorite Marvel characters. We can't to see you all in your crazy Hulk, Loki and Black Widow outfits. AND there will be new surprises... Marvel costumes you've never seen before.

What kinds of new activities will there be? Fasten your flippers! There'll be two brand new mini-games, available only during the party. One for heroes. One for villains. So pick your side!

Which Mascot will visit? Just like last year, Aunt Arctic will be there on the ground to cover the clash between good and evil! Stay tuned to the blog for dates and times.

What will non-members be allowed to do? Non-members can join a side to protect or destroy  Penguintropolis! And everyone can play the new superhero and super villain games! Flippertastic!

Thanks for sending in all your questions! Here's a question for all you Tour Guide Troopers...  What are you most excited to experience at the Marvel Superhero Takeover?

Best fishes!"

New mini-games! Awesome! I can't wait to see what they are! And did you notice Tour Guide's emote in the picture? It looks like a comic caption or explosion. What do you think? You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

Thursday 18 April 2013


Hey everyone! The Marvel Superhero Party is drawing near, and strange crystals have begun popping up around the island!

This is like the meteor that crashed into Club Penguin last year. Gary says that he's going to study the "strange energy" that's coming from the crystals that have the ability to speed up time in small places. If you want to help, go down to the Forest.

I wonder what these crystals are for? They were in one of the sneak peeks Polo Field showed us of the party, so I get the feeling they're going to play a big part. What do you think?
Waddle on!

Hot Sauce Returned!

Hey everyone! The hot sauce has been returned to the Pizza Parlor!

The Pizza Parlor has been cleaned up, and Pizzatron 3000 is available to play again! But the pizza party is now over.

This also means that Operation Hot Sauce has finished. Even thought your gadgets app on your spy phone still says there's a new missions, if you click the EPF command screen it just changes.

I really enjoyed this mission, and I can't wait for more! I just hope Herbert doesn't come up with anything like Operation Blackout anytime soon.
Waddle on!

New Pin: Robot Villain

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has released this weeks pin! It's at the Lodge Attic.

This is a cool pin! It looks like the head of a robot. Maybe it's the head of a robot that's going to be at the Marvel Superhero Takeover?
Waddle on!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Club Penguin Twitter news

Hey everyone! There's been some interesting stuff Club Penguin have tweeted about the Marvel Superhero Takeover and other things. So instead of posting three short posts, I'm going to post it all here.

1. Marvel Superhero Takeover costume
Club Penguin tweeted a picture of a new costume that's going to be at the Marvel Superhero Takeover this year.

Cool costume! I can't wait to see some others!

2. Marvel Superhero Takeover mascots
Club Penguin tweeted that, like last year, Aunt Arctic will be waddling around at the Marvel Superhero Takeover.

3. Club Penguin app?
Spike Hike tweeted a picture of his player card. But it's not the normal Club Penguin player card.

Then he asked what people thought the player card and the sushi are.

Then he tweeted that someone had gotten close by saying that you earn a piece of sushi every time you log into Club Penguin on a mobile device, like an iPod or iPad.

Then he said that someone had gotten very close by guessing that you earn a piece of sushi when you log into the "My Penguin" app every day.

Wow! It looks like Club Penguin might be coming out for mobile devices, or a modified version of it. It also looks like it'll be called My Penguin! This is awesome! I hope it comes out in the next few months! Well, that's all for now!
Waddle on!