Friday 7 November 2014

Herbert at the Pirate Party

Hey everyone! With all the fuss about crabs and Klutzy Disguises, I've been wonder if we might be seeing Herbert at this month's Pirate Party. Whatever the speculation might be, I think this confirms it.

Herbert's website,, has been updated! It looks like Klutzy finally found Herbert, and their now working on ruining the Pirate Party! I'll look out for more info, but for now, keep an eye out for Herbert. You can check out here.
Waddle on!

Pirate Party 2014 Member Sneak Peeks

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has update their membership section with sneak peeks of the upcoming Pirate Party!

That igloo looks awesome! I can't wait for the next Furniture and Igloo Catalog! Also, I hope that we can use better swords than cheese swords to fight crabs. Or maybe it's stinky cheese. That would work.
Waddle on!

Puffle Wild App for iOS - Beta Testers in Australia and New Zealand Wanted!

Hey everyone! Chattabox has posted some info on the beta testing of Puffle Wild!

"G'Day Penguins!

Hold on to your Akubra hats - The Puffle Wild app is now available for beta testing in Australia and New Zealand! We're excited to have the chance to test out this epic new app and help make it even better.

The Puffle Wild app will be available globally by the end of the year -- until then, we've captured a video to show all of you what the game looks like:

Now that's enough chatting for one day, I have to get back to playing the app. But, I'd LOVE to know what you think of it in the comments below.

Waddle on,

-Club Penguin Team"

I've already started playing Puffle Wild, and it's so addicting! I think it's probably one of the best apps Club Penguin has produced so far! Don't worry, I'll be posting a review of it soon. You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Rockhopper Is Back!

Hey everyone! The Pirate Party is coming up later this month, and it wouldn't be a party without Rockhopper!

If you check the telescope at the Beacon, you can just see The Migrator, slowly making its way towards Club Penguin. I can't wait to see what Rockhopper brings with him this time!
Waddle on!

Penguin Style November 2014

Hey everyone! Arr, ye ready to be a pirate while looking fashionable? Then you'll be excited at what's in November's Penguin Style!

This is probably the weirdest mix of clothes I've ever seen. On one hand, there's new autumn clothes for you to purchase.

On the other hand, there's plenty of pirate costumes, as well.

There are four hidden items in the new part of this catalog. The first hidden item is the Puffle Watch. You can get it by clicking on the Puffle Watch the purple penguin is wearing in the left photo.

The second hidden item is the Harvest Orange Slippers, which you can get by clicking on the top of the left Harvest Orange Slipper the yellow penguin is wearing.

The third hidden item is The Squid Lid, and you can get it by clicking on The Continental.

The last hidden item is the Klutzy Disguise. You can get it by clicking on The Swabbie.

I wonder if the Klutzy Disguise means anything? Like the return of a certain Polar Bear... What do you think?
Waddle on!

Thursday 6 November 2014

New Play: Squidzoid VS Shadow Guy & Gamma Girl

Hey everyone! One of my all time favorite plays has returned to the Stage.

Yes, Squidzoid VS Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl is back!

If you're looking for the costumes to this play, you can find it in this play's section in the Costume Catalog.

I don't know why, but one of my favorite things about this play is the effect it creates when you stand on the two crosses, and press the corresponding button on the Switchbox 3000. What do you like the most about this play?
Waddle on!

New Featured Postcards - November 2014

Hey everyone! It's a new month, and our postcard list has been updated with new postcards!

The new postcards are: Campfire Story, Squidzoid, Beach and Actors Needed. That reminds me, there's a new play on at the Stage. Time to check it out!
Waddle on!

Pirate Party Home, Log In and Log Off Screens

Hey everyone! The Halloween Party has ended, and Club Penguin have update their home, log in and log off screens with pictures for the upcoming Pirate Party!

The log in and log off screens are the same as the home screen.

Battle crabs for loot, eh? I wonder if Klutzy is involved? What do you think?
Waddle on!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Player Card Transform Bug

Hey everyone! While I was looking through my items, I noticed something strange about my player card.

If you look in the bottom right corner, you can see the transform back icon from the Frozen Party. Weird, huh? At least it's not affecting our gameplay in any way. I wonder when it will be fixed?
Waddle on!

Ghost Puffles

Hey everyone! If you've solved the mystery of the Puffle Hotel, and you're a member, then you would've had the chance to adopt Club Penguin's newest Puffle, the Ghost Puffle!

In my opinion, Ghost Puffles are probably one of the coolest Puffles there have been yet. Ghost Puffles work the same way as the Tabby Cat, Border Collie and Snowman Puffles do. To feed, play, clean and rest them, you have to do it in the Puffle Hotel.

Unfortunately, Ghost Puffles aren't really unique compared to the other Puffles. When they dance, they just bob up and down, and when you wave, they just float there. One cool thing about them, though, is when they dig up Puffle treasure, they'll pass through the ground and bring up the treasure.

Even though Ghost Puffles don't do much, I still think they look very cool, and are probably one of my favorite new Puffles. Do you like the Ghost Puffles?
Waddle on!

Puffle Wild App for iOS - Gameplay Sneak Peek

Hey everyone! Club Penguin have uploaded a sneak peek of the gameplay for their upcoming app, Puffle Wild, to their Youtube channel!

Cool! This game reminds me a bit of Candy Crush Saga, or Bejewled. Are you looking forward to this game?
Waddle on!

Official November Party Announcement

Hey everyone! Megg has officially announced November's party on the What's New Blog!

"Remember that strange blog post from Ninja last week? If you haven't seen it, you can find it here.

Ninja, always being one of few words, wanted everyone to guess what the next party is -- and most of you did!

If you guessed the Pirate Party, you are CORRECT!

We'll have sneak peeks coming soon, so keep checking back.

Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team"

Yay, a Pirate Party! I wonder how similar this will be to the Adventure Party, all the way back in 2011. Or maybe we'll be allowed to travel on the Migrator again? What do you think the Pirate Party will feature? You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

November 2014 Paychecks

Hey everyone! November has begun, and our paychecks for being a Tour Guide and/or EPF Agent have arrived!

There's a sneak peek of the November Penguin Style in this week's newspaper, which looks like it's going to be a pirate catalog, so that's what I'm saving these coins for. What about you?
Waddle on!

Halloween Party: More Times to Meet Gary

Hey everyone! Megg has posted some more meetup times for Gary on the What's New Blog!

"Hello Penguins,

Hope you're enjoying the party! Have you solved the mystery of the Puffle Hotel yet?

Here are some more meetup times for good ol' Gary:

Saturday, November 1

* 1:00pm on the server Cloudy
* 3:30pm on the server Mittens

Sunday, November 2

* 10:00am on the server Mammoth
* 11:30am on the server Chinook

Monday, November 3

* 1:00pm on the server Northern Lights

Tuesday, November 4

* 12:30pm on the server Rainbow

Wednesday, November 5

* 9:30am on the server Fog

Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time. (If you don't remember what Penguin Standard Time is, you can check the Clock Tower at the Snow Forts.)

Waddle on,

-Club Penguin Team"

If you still haven't managed to find Gary yet, use these new meetup times to your advantage. Good luck! You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Hotel of the Living Sled

Hey everyone! Megg has posted a new short film on the What's New Blog, called Hotel of the Living Sled!!!

"Two penguins enter a seemingly harmless hotel on Halloween. The sled hasn't been seen for years and is presumed to be gone... What's the worst that could happen?

Find out now in our Halloween special -- Hotel of the Living Sled!

Ninja and I had so much fun making this. Hope you enjoyed it!

-Club Penguin Team"

It's awesome to see the living sled return! I also like the style this film has been created in, it's very cool. Do you like Hotel of the Living Sled? You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

New Pin: Ghost

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has hidden a spooky new pin on the island.

This new pin is called the Ghost pin, and you can find it in the Boiler Room. Hmmm... Even though this is a pretty cool pin, I hope if I wear it, I won't experience any... spooky events.
Waddle on!

Be Heard - Let's Make the World Awesome!

Hey everyone! Megg has posted a thank you video from the Club Penguin team on the What's New Blog!

"A big THANK YOU to everyone that unlocked the virtual mega-phone item and donated towards our Be Heard campaign.

The Club Penguin community reached our goal of 50,000 dollars way faster than I thought we would -- this is why I am so proud to be a part of this community!

To wrap up, want to share a special message from our team to you.

Remember! Bullying prevention can be supported all year around, keep standing together and making a difference! So speak up, be heard, and choose kindness.

And as always...waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team"

Awesome! I'm glad that Club Penguin managed to reach their goal so quickly! It shows how much people care and want to stop bullying. You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Last Ghost Luggages Unlocked

Hey everyone! I've been a bit busy these past couple of days, so I haven't been able to post these updates when they arrive, but the last three ghost luggages have been unlocked!

Everyone can unlock the Creepy Candle, Eye of Newt Gumballs and the Inspector's Magnifying Glass. Members can also unlock the Spectral Costume, Ghost Vial and Web Hoodie. Awesome! I don't know about you, but I really like the Web Hoodie. It looks so cool! Which one of these items if your favorite?
Waddle on!

Reviewed by You: Stories

Hey everyone! Megg has asked us what our favorite stories are on the What's New Blog!

"Hey everyone!

We were talking recently about some of our favorite stories. Stories happen in books, movies, and even games (like Club Penguin!)

Then we thought... why don't we ask the Club Penguin community what their favorite stories are?

We want to hear from you! What is your all-time favorite story and... what do you like best about it?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Waddle on,

-Club Penguin Team"

Some of my favorite stories are scary stories. I really like the feeling of being scared, although I don't know why. What about you? You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!


Hey everyone! Ninja has posted a mysterious sneak peek photo of November's party on the What's New Blog!


Interesting. I thought that November's party would have something to do with the new Puffle we've been seeing, but instead, we might be seeing Rockhopper again. What do you think? You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Interview with Me to We Speaker Molly Burke

Hey everyone! Megg has posted an interview with Molly Burke, from Me to We, on the What's New Blog!

"Hello Penguins!

When she was four-years-old, Molly Burke's world began to darken: she was diagnosed with a disease that caused her loss of vision. Despite this, when she was just five, she started public speaking and inspiring others with her story.

Deamama and I had the amazing opportunity to ask Me to We speaker Molly Burke a few questions about her experiences with bullying. We think her answers are really important, and we wanted to share them with you.

What would you say to someone who is being bullied today?

I'd tell them they aren't alone. I've been there, and so have many others. It may feel like it's never going to get better, but believe me, it will. Stay strong, believe in yourself, and know that it is not your fault. Don't be afraid to reach out for help.

What would you say to someone who is being a bully today?

I think it's important for bullies to understand the impact they have. So when I speak, I tell the good, the bad, and the ugly. I make sure my audience understands how bad it can get. I think it is important for bullies to understand that it is never too late to change and make amends.

What would you say to a bystander who sees someone being bullied?

As a bystander, you have the power to make a difference. It only takes one person to change someone's life. When I was being bullied, all it would have taken is someone to sit with me at lunch, ask if everything was okay, or walk with me to class. If you don't feel like you're strong enough to stand up to the bullies, at least stand beside the victim, show your support, and remind them that they aren't alone.

We're all better when we support each other.

Waddle on,

-Club Penguin Team"

I think it's really important to at least support anyone who is experiencing bullying. It's not a nice thing to go through, but you can help. You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!