Monday 31 December 2012

Prehistoric party sneak peek 4

Hey everyone! Spike Hike has posted yet another sneak peek of the Prehistoric party on Twitter! And I have to say, this is the best sneak peek yet!

These are the Dinosaurs members can transform into at the Prehistoric party! This is awesome! I've always wanted to be a Dinosaur. You can view the image up close here.
Waddle on!

Saturday 29 December 2012

New log out screen

Hey everyone! Club Penguin have started preparing for the Prehistoric party in January! Check out this new log out screen for it!

Awesome!!! I hope this mean that members can turn into Dinosaurs! That would be amazing!
Waddle on!

Rockhopper's pin?

Hey everyone! I met Rockhopper on a server and when I clicked on his playercard, he had the Coins for Change 2012 pin!

It's nice to see Rockhopper supporting Coins for Change.
Waddle on!

Prehistoric party sneak peek 3

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted another sneak peek of the Prehistoric party on the What's New Blog!

"Hello Penguins!

I hope you've been enjoying the Holiday Party so far. You guys had some great guesses on what's coming up for January.

For those of you who guessed a dino party, you're absolutely right!

We'll be traveling back in time to visit prehistoric Club Penguin! Can't wait for you guys to check it out!

Waddle On!"

This party is looking cooler by every sneak peek we get! And I wonder if the color the penguin in the picture means anything? You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

Friday 28 December 2012

Prehistoric party sneak peek 2

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted a sneak peek of the upcoming Prehistoric party on the What's New Blog.

"Hello Penguins!

The tam's been working on a brand new party for January. Want to see a sneak peek? Here you go!

Stay tuned to the blog for more info in the coming weeks!

Waddle On!"

This looks awesome! I wonder if this is a party room or one of the rooms in Club Penguin? You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

New pin

Hey everyone! It's the final week of the Holiday party and all the cookies we've made have been turned into a new pin! It's in the Underground Cave.

What do you think of this new pin? I think it's pretty cool how all the cookies we've been baking have been turned into this pin.
Waddle on!

Thursday 27 December 2012

Prehistoric Party sneak peek

Hey everyone! There has been some rumors that the party in January is going to be a party with Dinosaurs and Cavemen in prehistoric times. That has now been confirmed by Spike Hike with the latest sneak peek.

So that's the Plaza in prehistoric times. I wonder if we're going to have access to the Pizza Parlor, Pet Shop and Stage? Or maybe not, because in those times those rooms wouldn't have been built yet. We shall see.
Waddle on!

Coins for Change counter broken

Hey everyone! The Holiday party has been going for about eight days now, and since everyone has donated so much coins, we've gone pass 9.9 billion coins and the Coins for Change counter has broken!

This is amazing! This mean that everyone has been donating heaps and heaps on coins to causes that really need money! I just hope that coins donated now still count, because the party still has a week to go, and heaps of coins could be donated in that amount of time.
Waddle on!

Wednesday 26 December 2012

December 25th gifts

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas to everyone! And for a Christmas present, the last set of gifts is now available!

And yes!!! Arctic White is the present for everyone!!! The present for members is the Frost Palace igloo.

And in honor of Arctic White, Club Penguin changed the color of most of the penguins in the stamp book to Arctic White!

Well, that's all the gifts. Now we can enjoy the rest of the Holiday party.
Waddle on!

Tuesday 25 December 2012

December 24th gifts

Hey everyone! I'd just like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone who it's Christmas for. If you're following PST, then it's Christmas Eve for you. Anyway, December 24th gifts are here!

The item for everyone is a Green Lightbulb and the item for members is a Santa Desk.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's items: Hopefully Arctic White and the Frost Bite igloo!
Waddle on!

Monday 24 December 2012

December 23rd gifts

Hey everyone! Last night I noticed I was putting the date for the presents one day ahead. For example, for yesterday's gifts I put December 23rd when it was actually December 22nd. The reason for this is I'm a day ahead of Club Penguin, so when I post this it's actually December 24th for me. But I'll put the Club Penguin dates to make it easier for you guys. So if you're wondering about that, that's the answer. Anyway, December 23rd's gifts are now available!

The item for everyone is a Frost Bite Cavern background and the item for members is a Make and Bake Kitchen igloo item.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's items!
Waddle on!

Member present sneak peek

Hey everyone! Spike Hike has just tweeted this sneak peek of an awesome igloo members can get from one of the presents!

This igloo is AMAZING!!! Since it's a free igloo, I'm guessing it's going to be the members item on December 25th. Which means Arctic White will probably be the present for everyone on December 25th. I can't wait!
Waddle on!

Sunday 23 December 2012

Rockhopper's player card

Hey everyone! Rockhopper has been waddling around at the Holiday party with a new background. Now, for those people who have added him already, I'm sure you've collected his new background already. But have you noticed his player card? This is Rockhopper's player card when you click on him in your buddy list.

But yesterday I met Rockhopper and this is what his player card looked like when you clicked on him.

I think the two puffles is a glitch because when I met him he was walking a red puffle. This player card glitch happened with Gary at the Halloween party this year. But after a week, Club Penguin fixed it. Lets hope they fix it soon because I like Rockhopper's Holiday player card better than the fruit one.
Waddle on!

December 22nd gifts

Hey everyone! The gifts for December 22nd are now available!

The item for everyone is a Race Car Controller and the item for members is a Festive Light.

Stay tuned for December 23rd's gifts!
Waddle on!

Saturday 22 December 2012

December 21st gifts

Hey everyone! It's December 21st, and that means another gift, or another two if you're a member!

The item for everyone is a Hot Chocolate and the item for members is the Holly Jolly Couch.

Stay tuned for tomorrows items!
Waddle on!

Friday 21 December 2012

Holiday party 2012 guide

Hey everyone! The Holiday party has officially started! It's one of the biggest parties of the year, so if you want to explore it thoroughly, we're gonna have to take it slow and steady. When you log in, you should see this.

As you can probably guess, every door is opened each day. At the moment only one door is open. In each door there's an item for members and non-members. Today's non-member item is a Holiday Teddy Bear and the member item is the Festive Chair.

If you take a look at the map, you'll see it's night time on it.

Now, lets get all the items. In the town, there's a Coins for Change donation station. If you donate some coins you get a free Coins for Change 2012 pin.

The next free item is in the Ski Lodge. If you click on the big green chair, you get your photo taken and you get a Big Cozy Chair background.

If you go upstairs into the Lodge Attic, you can win some prizes! Instead of being on the Dance Club Rooftop like all the previous Holiday parties, the Sled is in the Lodge Attic.

If you've never played the Sled game before, here's what you have to do. To start, press the green start button near the front of the Sled. The goal is to drop presents into igloo chimneys. If you drop 15 presents into chimneys, you get a prize. If you want to stop the game during the game, just press the red land button near the front of the Sled. The first prize is the Yellow Lightbulb.

If you play it again, you get a Blue Lightbulb.

And if you play it a third time, you get a Pink Lightbulb.

And that's it. If you want a tip, press the button when the chimney is directly under the present counter and the present should go in.

Now, if you go to the Dock, or as it's know known as, the Frost Bite room, there's a catalog in the bottom right corner of your screen.

There are some really awesome items in here.

These items are for members only because you have to use coins to buy them. There's another catalog in the Bakery in the Snow Forts in the bottom right corner of your screen.

There are some items for everyone on the first page and on the other pages the items are for members only.

The last items are on the Migrator. But first, lets take a look around the Migrator first.

Rockhopper always comes to the Holiday party. And when he does, he usually decorates his ship for it. He also brings rare items from places he explores away from Club Penguin. The catalog is in the Ships Hold.

There are some really awesome stuff in the catalog, but I think the best item is the free item.

A Rockhopper plush toy! What could be better? Well, that's all the items. Now lets explore the party. Lets go into the Captains Quarters.

If you click on the Notice Board, you can see what Rockhopper want to do during the party.

You can also play the Treasure Hunt game and donate some coins. Now, lets go to the Bakery.

Before you can eat the cookies, you have to bake them first. There are three steps involved to make the cookies. Step 1: Stand the the highlighted panel and throw snowballs into the massive bowl. Step 2: use the smiley emotes as much as you can to fill up the cheer meter.

Step 3: Step on the penguin panel. The amount of penguins on the panel is the amount of cookies you get.

Now to eat the cookies. Go into the cookie store.

In the top left corner of the room, there's a coins counter. It shows how many coins have been donated, and what percentage of the coins have been donated to what cause. There's also a cookie meter that shows how many cookies are left. Click on the cookies jar.

If you're a non-member, you can only turn into a car. If you're a member, you can turn into any of these things. After you choose what you want to turn into, you choose what you want to donate your coins towards.

After you've chosen what you want to donate towards, you transform into whatever you chose for ten minutes. 

If you transform into a car, the color of your penguin becomes the main color of the car. If you click on the cookie in the top right corner of your screen, it shows how long you have left.

As a car, you can't really do anything special.

If you turn into a Reindeer puffle, if you wave or dance, you jump up and down for a few seconds. If you dance, your nose turns red.

You can do a heap of things if you transform into a Frost Bite penguin. If you throw a snowball at someone, it freezes them.

If you keep on throwing a snowball at a penguin, it freezes them more.

If you wave, you can make icy spike come up from the ground.

And if you dance, you can surround yourself with icy spikes.

You can also freeze certain objects by throwing snowballs at them, like the crab at the Dock.

And last of all, then new emotes.

Unfortunately, you can only use these new emotes during the Holiday party. On Jan the 3rd, they will disappear  The cookie emote is animated. It looks like someone it biting chunks out of it.

The frozen smiley is just a frozen smiley face.

And the music emote moves around. It doesn't make any noise.

Well, that's all! Enjoy the rest of the Holiday party and stay tuned for more items each day.
Waddle on!