Saturday 30 November 2013

Mission: Rescue Purple Puffle

Hey everyone! The last of the Puffles are available to be rescued!

You can find the Purple Puffles at the River Cave, so click the "Go There" button to go there.

To begin the mission, click on the bouncing Purple Puffle.

To rescue the Purple Puffles, you have to catch five of them and remove their Brain Box chips.

When you rescue all five Puffles, you can get the Survival Snorkel and the Rescue Diver Suit, which are member only items.

That's it. All of the Puffles have been rescued! Stay tuned...
Waddle on!

November Twitter News Round 2

Hey everyone! There's been even more sneak peeks and information on Twitter recently, and here it is!

1. #AskCP
Polo Field did a massive Q&A on Twitter using the hashtag "#AskCP." Take a look at some of Polo Field's answers.


So, the Club Penguin team is thinking about Card-Jitsu Shadow, the Penguin Band will probably return next year sometime and... January's party is going to be another Prehistoric Party! I really like the last one, so hopefully this one will be even better! And maybe we'll be seeing another new Puffle...

2. Sneak Peeks in General
As well as #AskCP, Polo Field has Tweeted some news about upcoming things.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the holiday gift postcard, this is a postcard the usually returns in December. You can send it to a friend, and when they receive it, they can get a free item from it. I think it's a good way to celebrate Christmas.

And finally, Polo Field has Tweeted a picture of all the things we'll be seeing in the first episode of the Spoiler Alert series, which we should be seeing very soon! Which sneak peek do you think is the biggest?
Waddle on!

Club Penguin Promotes Healthy Kids

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted some info on a way to be healthy and earn items for Club Penguin!

"Greeting Penguins!

How awesome would it be to earn exclusive items for Club Penguin, even when you're not online? We've teamed up with GeoPalz to offer players in the U.S. the chance to use points earned from daily activity towards unlocking cool items online. With the iBitx™ PowerKey, you can exercise, have fun, and get rewarded for it!

All you have to do it wear the Activity Tracker and the more you run, walk, play, and get active -- the more points you'll earn! Pretty cool right? You can learn more about the iBitz™ Powerkey from our products page!

I'm curious... what daily activity would you use your tracker for??

Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team"

Well, I have to walk to and from school, so that's what I'd probably use my tracker for if I had one. What about you? You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Mission: Rescue Yellow Puffle

Hey everyone! You can now start mission nine: Rescue Yellow Puffle.

The Yellow Puffles are located at the River Cave. Click the "Go There" button to get there easier.

Click on the bouncing Yellow Puffle to start.

To complete the mission, all you have to do is catch five Yellow Puffles and remove the chips from their Brain Boxes.

When you've finished the mission, you can collect your free Search Flashlight.

One more Puffle to rescue, then we can take Herbert down!
Waddle on!

More News About the NEXT Big Update - CPNext

Hey everyone! Spike Hike has posted some info on what we'll be seeing in Club Penguin in the future!


For the last year we have been working on something HUGE! We have been building a WHOLE NEW technology to take Club Penguin into the future. Right now we're calling it CPNext. CPNext will allow us to take the Penguin world to new platforms and devices - connecting our community here on to mobile devices on iOS and Android, smart TVs, and who knows what else may come?!

CPNext will look and feel just like Club Penguin today, with a few improvements along the way. We want it to feel as close as possible to the CP community you love! You've already seen the first version of the CPNext technology on "My Penguin" for iPad... mobile igloos are built on it already. We've worked hard to make sure that the CPNext igloos are fully connected with igloos on desktop, so the experience across both is totally seamless.

With CPNext, we will finally be launching the Jump to Friend feature! To make things simpler and faster, you can just jump to where your friend is right when you log in. Much simpler and easier than in current CP! We know this has been a long requested feature - and it's finally coming!

We know that these is some concern about always having full rooms. Don't worry! We've built a lot of smarts into the system to make sure you stay with your friends when you go from room to room. And we will be watching and listening and can turn the number of Penguins in a room up or down based on your feedback. This is your world and we will work with you to find the right balance!

We will be taking our "next" step with CPNext in December with the launch of the Town on iPad. We will then start launching new rooms into the app every few weeks! Over the next few months you are going to see the CP world come to life on mobile. And for those of you with iPhones, iPod Touch, or Android devices - we are working on these NOW and plan to bring the Club Penguin app to you, too!

This is only a tiny bit of what we have planned - wait 'til you see the future for Puffles and Card-Jitsu... ;)

Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team"

Wow, all this new technology looks really exciting! No more trying to get into a full room with a mascot in it! And server jumping! I can't wait! You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Puffle Party 2009 - Puffle Documentary

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has uploaded an old advertisement for the Puffle Party way back in 2009!

Hmm... I wonder if I could get a Yellow Puffle to make me a massive snow castle? It's great to look back on old parties from Club Penguin.
Waddle on!

Thursday 28 November 2013

Club Penguin Font Change

Hey everyone! As I was logging into Club Penguin today, I realized that something had changed. Can you see what it is?

It's not the most obvious thing, but the font has changed! The names of you penguin(s) font has changed as you can see above. Also, the server list font has changed.

The font for the names beneath penguins has changed.

And the font for penguin's names on player cards has changed as well.

There may be other font changes that I haven't noticed yet, but other than that, what do you think of the new font? I really like it, and I'm already used to it!
Waddle on!

New Home Screen: Club Penguin App

Hey everyone! Club Penguin have released a new home screen for the Club Penguin app's upcoming update!

I can't wait to see what it's going to be like with rooms in the Club Penguin app!
Waddle on!

New Pin: Puffle Medic

Hey everyone! A new pin has been released especially for Operation Puffle!

It's called the Puffle Medic pin, and you can find it at the Dance Lounge. I think this pin is very appropriate. We do need to save and help all the Puffles that have been put under control by Herbert.
Waddle on!

Mission: Rescue White Puffle

Hey everyone! White Puffles are now able to be rescued with the newest mission release!

White Puffles are located at the Ice Falls, so click the "Go There" button to get there.

To start the mission, click on the White Puffle jumping in and out of the hole.

To save the White Puffles, you have to catch five of them and remove the chips out of their Brain Boxes.

Once you've caught all five White Puffles, you can get the Snow Goggles and the Arctic Camouflage Suit, which are for members only.

Two more Puffles to go, then we get to infiltrate Herbert's secret lair!
Waddle on!

#WaddleOn: Operation Puffle Part 3

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted part 3 of #WaddleOn Operation Puffle on the What's New Blog!

"In Episode 17 of #WaddleOn, the EPF's search for the big orange puffle comes to a shocking conclusion!

-Club Penguin Team"

I'm honestly not surprised Herbert was behind all this. But at least the big orange puffle is safe, and #WaddleOn can return to normal. You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Mission: Rescue Orange Puffle

Hey everyone! The seventh mission is now available!

It's time to rescue Orange Puffles! They're at the EPF Puffle Vet Station, so click the "Go There" button to get there.

Click on the bouncing Orange Puffle to start the mission!

You can help save the Orange Puffles by taking five chips out of their Brain Boxes.

When you beat the mission, you get the Thermos hand item.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's mission, rescuing the White Puffles!
Waddle on!

Help Chattabox Stage a Play

Hey everyone! Chattabox has invited us all to help stage a play!

"G'Day Penguins,

Wow - how awesome was the Club Penguin's Got Talent Party last week?! Thank you to all those who came along, you guys sure are talented.

This week I though it would be an amazing idea to try out some acting at The Stage. Has everyone had a sneak peek at it since the Operation Puffle party started?! It looks so cool!

Bring along your Golden Puffles and get ready to have some fancy dress fun, I can't wait to see what costumes they have this month. I will even take a photo of everyone in their fancy dress for next week's blog.

Lets meet in the Forest on the Down Under Server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 28th November, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 27th November for everyone over in the US or Canada. Then we can make our way to The Stage and get ready for the best theater performance Club Penguin has ever seen!

Waddle On!

- The Club Penguin Team"

I think I should be able to make it. What about you? You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Penguin Style Dec-Jan 2013 Sneak Peek

Hey everyone! Polo Field has tweeted a link to his Google+ profile on Twitter.

You can get to it by clicking here. There's a lot of info on the upcoming series Spoiler Alert on there, but the main thing I was interested in was this.

It's the front cover of December's Penguin Style! That penguin looks like she's reading a Christmas carol. What do you think?
Waddle on!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Some Twitter News

Hey everyone! There's been some interesting news on Twitter lately, so here it is!

1. My Penguin Stuff
Most of the new information I've found is based around My Penguin. Firstly, Club Penguin has confirmed that the first room that's going to be released on My Penguin is... The Town!

Secondly, Polo Field tweeted this picture of another new My Penguin icon. But this one wasn't one of the ones shown on the What's New Blog.

The design behind the penguin face looks a lot like the Lighthouse, so maybe that's an upcoming room for My Penguin? Lastly, Spike Hike has confirmed that there will be parties coming to My Penguin at some point.

2. Spoiler Alert Video
This isn't actually a massive spoiler, it's just info about the spoiler alert video Polo Field mentioned a while ago. Check out his tweet.

It's a script for spoiler alert! Hopefully, this means we'll be seeing the first episode soon. Two last quick things, Gold Puffles will be able to be found the same way as they are now after Operation Puffle finishes. Also, if you want to check out Polo Field's Youtube channel, you can find it at Funny name, eh? Well, that's all of Twitter's news for now. Hope you found some of it informing and interesting.
Waddle on!

Mission: Rescue Pink Puffle

Hey everyone! It's time to rescue the Pink Puffles!

To get to the Pink Puffles, we have to get to the Rapids. It's easy to get there though, just click the "Go There" button.

To begin the mission, click on the Pink Puffle jumping in and out of the hole.

All you have to do it catch five Pink Puffles and take their Brain Box chips.

If you complete the mission successfully, you get the Rescue Ring and the Search and Rescue Snowmobile, but these items are member only.

Mission six: Complete. Stay tuned for mission seven; Rescue Orange Puffle.
Waddle on!

The NEXT Big Update - Club Penguin on iPad

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted some info on future updates for My Penguin!

"Hello Penguins,

Since the introduction of igloos on iPad, the team has been secretly working on something HUGE... the next BIG update for Club Penguin. What is it, you ask?

I'm excited to announce that we're planning to bring the whole Club Penguin world to mobile devices... starting with the iPad.

As you know, that's a lot of work! So... we're going to bring Club Penguin to mobile in the same way that we built Club penguin back in 2005 -- one little piece at a time.

Over the next year, we'll be making small updates to the app previously know as "My Penguin". The first update is coming in December, where your 3D avatar will be able to visit 4 rooms on iPad for the very first time! And to celebrate the fact that we finally have the first few rooms available on iPad, we'll be renaming the app. From now on, our iPad app will be called... Club Penguin!

What do you think these new rooms will be? Stay tuned to the blog to find out more.

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team"

Wow, what a great name choice! I think the new rooms will include the Town, Beach and Dance Club, judging from the new icons shown above. What do you think the rooms will be? You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Monday 25 November 2013

Mission: Rescue Green Puffle

Hey everyone! The fifth mission of Operation Puffle has been released; Rescue Green Puffles!

The Green Puffles are located at the EPF Bootcamp. To get there, click the "Go There" button.

This looks like a cozy place to have dinner. But not now. It's time to rescue the Green Puffles! To start the mission, click on the Green Puffle jumping in and out of the hole.

Your aim: Collect all five chips from the Green Puffles' Brain Boxes.

Once you've completed the mission, you can get the Bullhorn.

That's half of the Puffles rescued! Only five more to go! Also, there's that mysterious last mission. I wonder what that could be?
Waddle on!