Tuesday 30 July 2013

New Pin: R2-D2

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has released its first ever Star Wars pin! It's at the Pizza Parlor.

Cool pin! I wonder if there's going to be a C-3PO pin as well?
Waddle on!

Star Wars Takeover Guide

Hey everyone! Sorry about the lack of posts over the past couple of days, but ironically a day before the Star Wars Takeover started, my internet went down. It's back up, but very slow so I'll have to do the best I can until Thursday. Anyway, one of the biggest parties Club Penguin has ever had has begun. Let's check out the Star Wars Takeover! When you log in, the 3D Star Wars Takeover video plays. When the video finishes, you'll find yourself on the Millennium Falcon with Princess Leia aka Cadence.

The Death Star has finally arrived at Club Penguin. We have to stop it! A rebel symbol will appear in the top right corner of your screen, which you can use to travel to different planets. But let's check out the costume catalog in the bottom right hand corner first.

There's two items for everyone, and the rest are for members only. There's heaps of cool costumes in here like the Luke Skywalker costume, Chewbacca costume, R2-D2 Puffle hat and, my favorite the Jawa Costume! Now you may be thinking "Where's the Darth Vader costumes?" Don't worry, we'll get to that later. But now it's time to travel across space to Tatooine! If you click the rebel symbol in the top right corner of your screen, this map appears.

Up the top is the map of the galaxy. At the moment, you can only travel to the Millennium Falcon, Tatooine and Club Penguin. Down the bottom, there's a lightsaber. If you're a member, you can train on the path of the Jedi under master Obi-Wan Sensei! He'll give you your first lightsaber (Anakin's Lightsaber), and you can begin your training! You can battle other Jedi or the evil Sith. Here's how to do it. You can be anywhere, and be wearing anything, but you must have your lightsaber in hand and press "D." Or you can wait for someone else to do it.

If you press D, you have to wait for someone to battle you. If someone else has pressed D, just click on one of the circles to begin the battle!

It's sort of like a game of rock, paper, scissors. You have to choose whether to swing you lightsaber up, in front or down. If you win, you get twenty points. If you draw or lose, you get ten points.

You have to get a certain amount of points to unlock each item. The final items are the Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader costumes, which you need to get 30 wins to unlock. Now, let's explore Tatooine!

You can visit many iconic locations on Tatooine such as the Jawa's Sandcrawler.

Owen and Beru Lars' house.

And the Mos Eisley Cantina.

But sightseeing can wait, because the reason we've come to Tatooine is to rid it of evil! Tatooine has been invaded by the Emperor's soldier, Stormtroopers! Click on the map in the bottom left corner and click on one of the Stormtrooper icons.

There's three levels you can play if you're a member. Non-members can only play the first level.

This mini-game is pretty simple to play. You play as Han Solo. You aim and click the mouse to shoot snowballs, and you press spacebar to duck and roll from side to side. Your aim is to shoot the Stormtroopers while avoiding being shot back. 

The big metal cases which you hide behind will slowly start to break as they get shot by the Stormtroopers.

If a case is destroyed, you have to wait until the R2-D2 Puffle comes and repairs it.

Once you've shot a Stormtrooper, you can shoot them again while they're in the air for more points. The more points you earn, the more coins you get at the end of the game. If your cover is destroyed and you get shot, it's game over!

At the very end of the level, there's a Captain Stormtrooper you have to shoot. He has a life bar, so you'll have to shoot him more than once.

In levels 2 and 3, he'll start to move around and throw thermal detonators.

To avoid them, just roll the the opposite side to them. But beware, they do a lot of damage to your cover! And if you're on the same side as them when they blow, it's game over as well! Once you've beaten the Captain Stormtrooper, you'll get coins depending on how many points you got and your Stormtrooper Costume item! If you wear the whole costume and throw a snowball, you throw a laser bolt!

Hooray! We've saved Tatooine from the Empire! On August the 1st, we'll be able to infiltrate the Death Star itself and buy some new costumes! There are also three new emotes: An Empire symbol, a Rebel symbol and a green Lightsaber.

And that's it for the Star Wars Takeover so far! Tune in on August the 1st on how to destroy the menacing Death Star!
Waddle on!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Game On: Star Wars Takeover

Hey everyone! Game On have done a review on the Star Wars Takeover!

First visuals of the Star Wars Takeover! And it looks awesome!!! For me, it stars tomorrow. I absolutely cannot wait!!!
Waddle on!

Saturday 20 July 2013

#WaddleOn Episode 2

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has uploaded episode two of #WaddleOn!

My favorite part of this video was the alien in the Pizza Parlor part. What was your favorite part?
Waddle on!

Star Wars Takeover Ad

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has uploaded a 2D Star Wars Takeover trailer.

Awesome! Only five days to go!
Waddle on!

Star Wars Takeover Construction Continues

Hey everyone! The Death Star and the Imperial Flagships loom ever closer in the sky.

And construction on the launch pad at the Dock continues.

The Death Star arrives on July the 25th. Let's hope we're all ready...
Waddle on!

Igloo and Furniture Catalogs July 2013

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has released a Star Wars themed igloo and furniture catalog!

Yes, there is a new Star Wars themed igloo, and yes, it's the Death Star!!!

Awesome!!! And now for the furniture catalog! There's heaps of cool Star Wars item in this new catalog!

And to top it all off, there's two secret items as well. The first one is the Long Security Laser, and you can get it by clicking the Death Star.

The second hidden item is the Short Security Laser. You can get it by clicking the rebel symbol on the Rebel House Rug.

I think this is one of the best furniture catalogs I've ever seen! What do you think?
Waddle on!

New Igloo Music

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has updated out igloo music list with six new Star Wars songs!

The new songs are: Cantina Band, Star Wars Theme, The Imperial March, The Throne Room, Death Star Ambience and Totooine Ambience. I think my favorite songs here are Cantina Band and The Imperial March. I'm so glad Club Penguin added some classic Star Wars music!
Waddle on!

Club Herbert Moving Closer!

Hey everyone! Clubherbert.com has been updated!

It looks like the Death Star has moved closer to Club Penguin! And Darth Herbert has ordered some vegetarian pizza! Wow, looks like pizza delivery in space costs a fortune! You can view clubherbert.com here.
Waddle on!

Club Penguin at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2013

Hey everyone! Daffodaily5 has posted about Club Penguin being at the Star Wars Celebration in Europe!


I'm super excited to tell you all that we will be appearing at this year's Star Wars Celebration Europe! This is one of the biggest Star Wars events of the year and we can't wait to meet all the fans that will be attending from around the world! It's being held in Essen, Germany from the 26th to the 28th of July, and we'll be there for the whole event!

We're going to be giving players the chance to experience the Star Wars Takeover in our amazing themed booth. We'll also be offering some epic prizes, including an exclusive in-game item! If you're already planning to go to the event, be sure to come and say hello to the team! If you'd like to get tickets, please ask your parents' permission.

May the Force be with you!


This convention looks really cool! To bad it's in Europe. All well. To all those going, have fun! You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

Friday 19 July 2013

New Home, Log In and Log Out Screens: More Star Wars

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has added more Star Wars home, log in and log out screens! The home and log in screens are the same.

And there's a cool log out screen with some items we'll be able to get at the party!

That Rebel Costume looks awesome! I can't wait to see the other costumes!
Waddle on!

Stormtroopers at Work - Coffee Break

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted yet another Star Wars photo for captioning!

"*Yawn* Time for a coffee break... and another photo to caption!

Write your caption suggestion in the comments below!


My caption for this photo would be "It's always important to have a coffee break in the Imperial Army." What would yours be? You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

Thursday 18 July 2013

Stormtroopers At Work - Writing

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted the second Star Wars Takeover photo!

"Hey Penguins!

Great captions so far, keep em' coming! Here is today's Star Wars Takeover photo...

Write your caption suggestion in the comments below!"

My caption for this photo would probably be "Keeping a diary is very important in the Imperial Army." That's the best I can come up with. What you you write? You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

Win a Club Penguin Moderation Master Class

Hey everyone! Daffodaily5 has posted a competition on the What's New Blog for Club Penguin UK players!


As you know, we've got a huge team of trained moderators all around the world, helping to keep Club Penguin safe. Our support team receives a load of emails from you guys asking to come and visit one of our offices, to learn more about what it takes to be a CP moderator.

Well I'm excited to say, as part of Aim High, we're offering the chance for 5 UK players to win a day trip to our office in Brighton on 31st July, where they'll get a unique opportunity to meet the CP team and take part in a Moderation Master Class! Pretty epic, eh?

If you're in the UK and that sounds like something you'd be interesting in, please ask your parents to enter for the chance to win.
Details of how your parents can enter can be found here: Aim High Comeptition T&Cs

The closing date is Monday 22nd July at 9am (UK time), so if you want to enter you better be quick! Good luck! :)


Now I really wish I live in the UK! For me, it's about 6 days until July 22nd, so you better enter quick if you want a chance of winning! Good luck! You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

Sunday 14 July 2013

Free Code: TIE Fighter Pilot Costume

Hey everyone! Spike Hike has announced a free code for the TIE Fighter Pilot Costume on Twitter!

First Star Wars costume! You can unlock this with the code BARONFEL.

I'm glad Club Penguin made this costume for everyone, but I can't wait for the Boba Fett costume!
Waddle on!

Stormtroopers at Work: Drawing Droids

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted on the What's New Blog!

"Hello Penguins!

It's time for a little photo caption-writing fun!

Over the next few weeks, we'll post a Star Wars Takeover photo, then we want you to write the caption for it!

Here's an example to get you started... "When you can't find the Droids you're looking for... Draw them!"

Now it's your turn... what would you write as the caption for this photo?

Waddle On!"

Cool! Hmmm... I'm not sure what I'd write for this photo. Maybe "Designing droid the easy way." What would you write? You can view this post here.
Waddle on!