Thursday 19 June 2014

Chatta's Prom After Party!

Hey everyone! Chattabox has organised a prom after party for us!

"G'Day Penguins!

It was SO great to see you all at the Royal gathering! You all looked like a million dollars. I think we would make a great Royal Penguin family. How AWESOME was the prom this week too!? So much fun! Everyone looked so nice in their outfits. Club Penguin definitely throws a rockin' prom! I always find it so sad when parties end, so I thought I would try to extend this one a little longer by having a 'post-prom' party! Wooo!

So come along to my iggy in your favourite prom outfit and get ready for dancing, jokes and fun! I PROMise it will be a party to remember :)

Let's meet in the Forest on the Down Under server on Thursday 19th June. Here are the times:

* 4pm East Australian Standard Time

* 6pm New Zealand Standard Time

* 11pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 18th June for everyone over in the US and Canada

* 7am on Thursday 19th June for my pals in the UK.

Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team"

A prom after party! It's almost like a party within a party! It's party-ception! You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

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