Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Spoiler Alert Episode 25 - July Penguin Style

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted episode 25 of The Spoiler Alert on the What's New Blog!

"The July Penguin Style catalog is going to be so awesome! Out guest Ooompah was such a good sport in this episode, he may be even sillier than we are.

Here are the updates coming July 3:

* New Issue of Penguin Style Catalog
* New Issue of CP Times
* Updated room sounds
* Stage play update
* Postcard update

Stay tuned till next Saturday for our BEST OF THE SPOILER ALERT episode!

Waddle on,

-Club Penguin Team"

The best of The Spoiler Alert? I can't wait for that episode! What about you? You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

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