Friday 18 July 2014

Music Jam 2014 Guide

Hey everyone! Get ready to make some music, because Music Jam 2014 has kicked off!

Cadence will give you a short message when you log on for the first time, and she'll give you your checklist.

If the room isn't full, you should find yourself in the awesome Music Cruise boat! If you open your map, you can visit the different rooms of the boat.

You can visit the Pool Deck, The Bridge, and even the Ship's Buffet.

If you head down to the Engine Room, you can grab a free Miner's Helmet.

Now, let's get down to business. Click on the checklist on the top-right corner of your screen.

Each event is unlocked each day. At the moment, only Cadence's performance and the first lot of free items are available; an item for everyone and an item for members only. If you want to try out SoundStudio, you can play it by clicking on the top-left of the screen. On the top of the screen, you can see a countdown that shows who's performing, and how long 'till the next performance. Click 'Go There!' to visit the Main Stage.

There's a sign that tells you who's up, how long 'till the performance and who's up next.

Cadence and the Penguin Band are performing their single 'Best Day Ever.' You can collect their backgrounds by clicking on them, and I think you also get their stamps, too. Let's check out the Dance Club now. If you're on the boat, and want to get to normal Club Penguin, just click the 'Switch to Club Penguin' button on the top-left corner of the map.

As you can see, DJ3K has been replaced by the new SoundStudio! I'll post on how to use it later. If you go to you map again, or visit the Dock, you can see a list of Tour Bus Igloos. You can get onto this list by simply having the Tour Bus Igloo as your current igloo.

You can buy the Tour Bus Igloo from this list if you're a member, and you haven't purchased it already. As usual, there's three new emotes for this party.

That's all for now! I'll keep you updated when each new performance and items are unlocked. Stay tuned!
Waddle on!

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