Friday 23 May 2014

Future Party 2014 Guide

Hey everyone! Get ready to defend Club Penguin from the Protobot once more, because the Future Party has started!

When you first log in, Gary 3000 will warn you about Protobot's attack, and give you your holo-comm.

There's so much you can do here! First, everyone can collect the free Space Cadet Jetpack.

I'll get to its use later. Now, those cool robot suits you can see are the Robos. If you're a member, you can transform into either the Big Red, Fish Sticks or O'Blaster Robo.

If you click on the Robo you want in the holo-comm menu, you can actually paint it!

To paint your Robo, just click in the middle of the robot arms, and choose your color.

Now, let's see what these Robos are really used for! First, prepare yourself, then press D to battle! If you're not a member, wear the Space Cadet Jetpack and press D.

Beware! Protobot has sent meteors and robots! Destroy them and protect Club Penguin! This mini-game is pretty simple. Press T or the snowball button, and aim at your enemy!

Each enemy has a certain amount of hits it needs to go down. For each hit, you earn meteor point. When you've had enough, just use the map, or press D.

You can choose one of three options to battle up the top of the map. You can choose to either battle meteors, robots, or you can take a break at the break room.

Down the bottom are all the items you can buy with meteor points. All the items in the green hexagons are for everyone, and the rest are for members. If you click more items, you can view items that'll be available in the next couple of days.

If you back to the items that are currently available, you can see a counter that says the Protobot will be here in seven days!

Beside battling falling objects, there are other little things you can do. If you either go to the map or the Future Snow Forts, you can view a list of penguins who have the Space Igloo.

To get on the list, all you have to do it purchase the Space Igloo and make sure it's your current igloo!

If you go to the Dance Dome, every 15 minutes, a space alien will play some futuristic music!

You can either use the portal at the present and future Snow Forts, or the maps to switch between 2014 and future Club Penguin. Finally, there's three new emotes: An alien smiley, a shooting star, and a no robots sign.

I think this is a really cool party! We're going to have to have some massive preparation for when the Protobot arrives!
Waddle on!

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