Tuesday 29 April 2014


Hey everyone! As you've probably seen, I haven't been very active in the past week. Unfortunately, I've been busy. These things happen. I don't think I have time to post every single thing that I've missed, but I'll do a quick overview of it all.

The Club Penguin App has been updated for iPad, and released on iPhone and iPod Touch!

I'll try to do a review on it later this week. Club Penguin has released some meetup times for PH! You can view them by clicking here, and here.

The Puffle Handbook and Puffle Catalog have been updated! Check them out for new Puffle food, hats, and some info on the new Puffles!

All the Puffle Booth items have been unlocked! Make sure you've collected them all!

The Puffle Gala is open at the Stage! Show off your Puffle and perform cool tricks!

Some free item codes have been released. Use the codes PUFFLES1 and NATLPARK to unlock the Blue Border Collie Hat and the Park Ranger Hat.

Game On have released a review for the Puffle Party, which you can view below.

Megg and Polo Field have posted some sneak peeks about May's parties, which you can view here and here.

Finally, Club Penguin have uploaded an official video for the Club Penguin App update!

As I said before, sorry I've been away. But I'm back, so expect more posts soon!
Waddle on!

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