Thursday 24 October 2013

Daffo's Halloween Party Prank

Hey everyone! Check out Daffodaily5's awesome Halloween Party prank!


Check out this video of a party I had in my igloo. Things got pretty scary... for everyone!

I'm still shaking! Well, needless to say it wasn't the best party in the world... but it could still be! I would like to invite you all to my igloo for an epic Halloween Party on Saturday, 26th of October at 11am UK Time, on the server Frozen. I promise I won't try and scare you! Well not too much... ;)

Hope to see you all there!


-Club Penguin Team"

That's one of the best Club Penguin pranks I've ever seen! 11am UK time is 3am PST, the following day. Will you be there? You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

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