Wednesday 6 August 2014

Chattabox to the Rescue!

Hey everyone! Chattabox has invited us all to a superhero party!

"G'Day Penguins,

I'm still excited from last week's ski race party - it was SO much fun! There were some awesome racers out there. Check out everyone hanging out at the top of the ski hill - n'ice'.

Sooooo this week I've been watching a lot of super hero movies and thought... lets have a Super Hero Party!! Amazing! I want you to come along in your most epic super hero outfit and make sure you decide your special powers before you arrive because I want to hear all about them. I can't decide on whether I'm going to be a 'super pizza maker' who can make a million pizzas a minute... or maybe a 'magical bubble blower' who can blow huge bubbles for penguins to fly around in. Why not give your puffles a super hero make-over too; every super hero needs a sidekick! Let your imagination go crazy - I can't wait!

Let's meet in the Forest on the Down Under server on Thursday 7th August. Here are the times:

* 4pm East Australian Standard Time

* 6pm New Zealand Standard Time

* 11pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 6th August for everyone over in the US and Canada

* 7am on Thursday 7th August for my pals in the UK.

Waddle on!

- Club Penguin Team"

Speaking of superhero movies, have any of you seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet? If so, what did you think of it? I haven't seen it yet, but I really want to! You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

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