Saturday 25 January 2014

Prehistoric Party 2014 Guide

Hey everyone! Get ready to go back in time, because the Prehistoric Party has begun!

When you log in, Gary will talk to you and explain your mission.

You can choose No Thanks to stay in the present, but why would you? Instead, click TIME WARP!

You'll then meet Garugg the Ugg Ugg, Gary's ancient ancestor, who'll tell you more about your mission. After you've read his message, click OK!

You can see that the reason that message appeared in our time was because Garugg wrote it in his time. But anyway, on with the party! To get started, click on the egg icon in the top right corner of your screen.

If you visited the Prehistoric Party last year, then a lot of this is going to look familiar to you. The eggs on the left are dinosaur eggs. If you're a member, you can transform into a type and color of each dinosaur if you find an egg. If you collect all five eggs of a dinosaur species, everyone can collect a special prize. The eggs on the right a dino Puffle eggs! A new egg will be released each day. If you find a dino Puffle egg, you also get a special prize, which is for everyone. To find eggs, you have to dig them up at certain sites around prehistoric Club Penguin.

To get started, click on a digging site and click yes.

This game is a lot like Treasure Hunt, except you play by yourself. There are three layers of sand: The top layer, which you can see, the middle layer, and the bottom layer, where the coins and eggs are. My strategy is to dig in the middle vertically and horizontally, then dig in the middle on each side, then keep digging until you find an egg.

When you see an egg, go straight for it! Don't worry about anything else!

To dig up an egg, you have to uncover all four squares of it. After that, you can either focus on digging up more coins, or simply waste your remaining turns.

I'm pretty sure the first time you play Dino Dig, you will one hundred percent dig up a Dino Puffle egg.

After you've read Garugg's message, click UGG UGG!!

Once you've dug up a Dino Puffle egg, you can collect the special item, and equip it, like you're walking a real Puffle. Once you've done that, go to the Volcano and head on inside.

To hatch your Dino Puffle egg, you have to walk your egg to the mini-volcano that has lit up, like the one in the bottom right corner of this picture. Do this once, and your Dino Puffle egg will start to crack. Do it three times, and it'll hatch!

You can name your Dino Puffle. After you click the close button, Garugg will give you another message.

Once you've hatched your Dino Puffle egg, you can start focusing on finding normal Dino eggs.

As well as the T-Rex, Triceratops and Pteranodon, there is two new types of dinosaurs: The Stegosaurus and Raptor.

If you're a member, you can transform into each dinosaur that you unlock.

Each type of dinosaur has their own dancing and sitting action, and instead of puke, they throw snowballs this year.

As I said before, if you collect all four eggs of each dinosaur species, you can earn a special prize.

There are six new prehistoric emotes for you to use until the end of the party.

Lastly, if you have the Dino Dig Site in your igloo, your igloo will be featured on the list of digloos.

If you haven't yet bought the Dino Dig Site igloo item, and you're a member, you can buy it off the prehistoric Club Penguin map.

That's the Prehistoric Party! There are still five more Dino Puffles to rescue, so stay tuned!
Waddle on!

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