Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Spoiler Alert - Best of 2013

Hey everyone! Polo Field has posted the last episode of The Spoiler Alert of 2013 on the What's New Blog!

"Greetings Penguins,

What better way to end off an awesome year of Club Penguin than with some awards! We've got the first ever Spoiler Awards hosted by... well, we won't spoil that for you. ;)

Here ya go:

Happy New Year everyone and until next time...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team"

Congratulations to all the winners of the Spoiler Awards! I can't wait to see what Club Penguin have got in store for this show in the future! Also, all this talk about Card-Jitsu is getting me interested as well. You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

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