Tuesday 26 November 2013

Some Twitter News

Hey everyone! There's been some interesting news on Twitter lately, so here it is!

1. My Penguin Stuff
Most of the new information I've found is based around My Penguin. Firstly, Club Penguin has confirmed that the first room that's going to be released on My Penguin is... The Town!

Secondly, Polo Field tweeted this picture of another new My Penguin icon. But this one wasn't one of the ones shown on the What's New Blog.

The design behind the penguin face looks a lot like the Lighthouse, so maybe that's an upcoming room for My Penguin? Lastly, Spike Hike has confirmed that there will be parties coming to My Penguin at some point.

2. Spoiler Alert Video
This isn't actually a massive spoiler, it's just info about the spoiler alert video Polo Field mentioned a while ago. Check out his tweet.

It's a script for spoiler alert! Hopefully, this means we'll be seeing the first episode soon. Two last quick things, Gold Puffles will be able to be found the same way as they are now after Operation Puffle finishes. Also, if you want to check out Polo Field's Youtube channel, you can find it at http://youtube.com/fakepolofield. Funny name, eh? Well, that's all of Twitter's news for now. Hope you found some of it informing and interesting.
Waddle on!

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