Friday 7 November 2014

Herbert at the Pirate Party

Hey everyone! With all the fuss about crabs and Klutzy Disguises, I've been wonder if we might be seeing Herbert at this month's Pirate Party. Whatever the speculation might be, I think this confirms it.

Herbert's website,, has been updated! It looks like Klutzy finally found Herbert, and their now working on ruining the Pirate Party! I'll look out for more info, but for now, keep an eye out for Herbert. You can check out here.
Waddle on!

Pirate Party 2014 Member Sneak Peeks

Hey everyone! Club Penguin has update their membership section with sneak peeks of the upcoming Pirate Party!

That igloo looks awesome! I can't wait for the next Furniture and Igloo Catalog! Also, I hope that we can use better swords than cheese swords to fight crabs. Or maybe it's stinky cheese. That would work.
Waddle on!

Puffle Wild App for iOS - Beta Testers in Australia and New Zealand Wanted!

Hey everyone! Chattabox has posted some info on the beta testing of Puffle Wild!

"G'Day Penguins!

Hold on to your Akubra hats - The Puffle Wild app is now available for beta testing in Australia and New Zealand! We're excited to have the chance to test out this epic new app and help make it even better.

The Puffle Wild app will be available globally by the end of the year -- until then, we've captured a video to show all of you what the game looks like:

Now that's enough chatting for one day, I have to get back to playing the app. But, I'd LOVE to know what you think of it in the comments below.

Waddle on,

-Club Penguin Team"

I've already started playing Puffle Wild, and it's so addicting! I think it's probably one of the best apps Club Penguin has produced so far! Don't worry, I'll be posting a review of it soon. You can view this post on the What's New Blog here.
Waddle on!

Rockhopper Is Back!

Hey everyone! The Pirate Party is coming up later this month, and it wouldn't be a party without Rockhopper!

If you check the telescope at the Beacon, you can just see The Migrator, slowly making its way towards Club Penguin. I can't wait to see what Rockhopper brings with him this time!
Waddle on!

Penguin Style November 2014

Hey everyone! Arr, ye ready to be a pirate while looking fashionable? Then you'll be excited at what's in November's Penguin Style!

This is probably the weirdest mix of clothes I've ever seen. On one hand, there's new autumn clothes for you to purchase.

On the other hand, there's plenty of pirate costumes, as well.

There are four hidden items in the new part of this catalog. The first hidden item is the Puffle Watch. You can get it by clicking on the Puffle Watch the purple penguin is wearing in the left photo.

The second hidden item is the Harvest Orange Slippers, which you can get by clicking on the top of the left Harvest Orange Slipper the yellow penguin is wearing.

The third hidden item is The Squid Lid, and you can get it by clicking on The Continental.

The last hidden item is the Klutzy Disguise. You can get it by clicking on The Swabbie.

I wonder if the Klutzy Disguise means anything? Like the return of a certain Polar Bear... What do you think?
Waddle on!

Thursday 6 November 2014

New Play: Squidzoid VS Shadow Guy & Gamma Girl

Hey everyone! One of my all time favorite plays has returned to the Stage.

Yes, Squidzoid VS Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl is back!

If you're looking for the costumes to this play, you can find it in this play's section in the Costume Catalog.

I don't know why, but one of my favorite things about this play is the effect it creates when you stand on the two crosses, and press the corresponding button on the Switchbox 3000. What do you like the most about this play?
Waddle on!

New Featured Postcards - November 2014

Hey everyone! It's a new month, and our postcard list has been updated with new postcards!

The new postcards are: Campfire Story, Squidzoid, Beach and Actors Needed. That reminds me, there's a new play on at the Stage. Time to check it out!
Waddle on!