Saturday 30 November 2013

November Twitter News Round 2

Hey everyone! There's been even more sneak peeks and information on Twitter recently, and here it is!

1. #AskCP
Polo Field did a massive Q&A on Twitter using the hashtag "#AskCP." Take a look at some of Polo Field's answers.


So, the Club Penguin team is thinking about Card-Jitsu Shadow, the Penguin Band will probably return next year sometime and... January's party is going to be another Prehistoric Party! I really like the last one, so hopefully this one will be even better! And maybe we'll be seeing another new Puffle...

2. Sneak Peeks in General
As well as #AskCP, Polo Field has Tweeted some news about upcoming things.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the holiday gift postcard, this is a postcard the usually returns in December. You can send it to a friend, and when they receive it, they can get a free item from it. I think it's a good way to celebrate Christmas.

And finally, Polo Field has Tweeted a picture of all the things we'll be seeing in the first episode of the Spoiler Alert series, which we should be seeing very soon! Which sneak peek do you think is the biggest?
Waddle on!

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