Tuesday 12 November 2013

Help Make a Behind-the-Scenes Video about the Golden Puffle

Hey everyone! Polo Field has given us the chance to ask the Club Penguin team about the Gold Puffle!

"Hello Penguins!

We're going to make a behind the scenes video about the making of the Gold Puffle. We'd like your help to come up with some questions to ask the team!

Here are a few sample questions to get you started:

1. Where did the idea for the Gold Puffle come from?

2. What makes the Gold Puffle unique?

3. How long does it take to create a new puffle?

Now it's your turn! Comment below with your question. We'll pick a few of our favorites to ask the team when we interview them.

Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team"

I think the question I'd like answered is what kind of items will the Gold Puffle be able to dig up? What questions would you ask the Club Penguin team? You can view this post here.
Waddle on!

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