Monday 16 December 2013

Puffles Catalog Update

Hey everyone! The Puffles catalog has been given a massive update, with new Puffle food, hats and many other items!

Unfortunately, since this catalog update is pretty new, there are some bugs. There's a particularly annoying bug which, when you purchase an item, causes your screen to start loading forever. Just be aware of this bug until it's fixed. But apart from that, this new update is pretty spectacular!

You can either access this catalog by clicking on one of your Puffles and then clicking the catalog, or by going into the Pet Shop and clicking on the catalog. Now, first up, Puffle food! There's all the usual food, such as Puffle O's, cookies and gum. There's also heaps of new food, such a carrots, apples and dragon fruit! You can only get 99 of each food. One bad thing I've found out about the food part of the catalog is that there's not more box of Puffle O's. I personally found it easier buying 30 Puffle O's, I think, for 100 coins, then buying 10 Puffle O's for 10 coins.

The Puffle Hat section has all the old hats in it, and a couple of new hats!

There's also a secret item on this page. If you click the Migrator, you can get the Puffle Condo.

Next up; Puffle toys!

In this part of the catalog, there's a toy that you can buy for each color of Puffle...

...including a two new toys for Rainbow and Gold Puffles! You can also get the Water Dish by clicking on the jester penguin popping out of the jack in the box.

The next page has Puffle furniture and Puffle houses.

You can get the hidden item, Grey House, by clicking on the sleeping Blue Puffle in the Red House.

The last page has Puffle beds and Puffle furniture that Puffles can interact with.

If you click on the middle set of Z's, you can get the Grey Bed.

That's the Puffle catalog update! What do you think of it? I think it's pretty cool, but Club Penguin needs to add Rainbow and Gold Puffle houses and beds.
Waddle on!

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