Saturday 5 October 2013

Puffle Snack Station

Hey everyone! A new machine has been added to the Pizza Parlor: The Puffle Snack Station!

To start, walk you Puffle to the Pizza Parlor and click on it.

Everyone can buy a pepperoni pizza and members can buy a deluxe pizza. Also, if you click on the lollipop on the top left corner of the menu, if you're a member you can buy the secret candy deluxe pizza.

If you buy a pepperoni pizza, it'll add to you Puffles hunger bar, filling it up a bit.

If you buy either the deluxe or candy deluxe pizza, it'll fill up your Puffles hunger bar completely. Also, I'm pretty sure this isn't just a coincidence, but every time I've gone up to the snack station for the first time on a new server, my Puffle found an item. Also, when I bought the candy deluxe pizza, my Puffle found an item. This might be a good way to find items for your Puffles. I think this a handy machine. Instead of having to go back to your igloo and feed your Puffle, you can just head to the Pizza Parlor and grab some pizza! Now I'm actually really hungry. I might waddle to the Pizza Parlor now myself.
Waddle on!

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