Friday, 15 February 2013

Hollywood party guide

Hey everyone! The Hollywood party has started!

When you log in, you should see this screen.

If you're a member, you can get the notepad for free!

If you click on the second tab, you can get the Digital Camera, which is for everyone!

Before we go into the recording studios, lets take a look at the camera. With this camera, you can actually wear anything with this and still do the special action! It's pretty cool! If you wear this camera and throw a snowball at another penguin, it takes a picture of them and a + with a move camera appears over your head for a couple of seconds.

There's also three new movie emotes: A Clapboard emote, a Sunglasses Smiley emote and a Cheese emote.

I'm not sure if that does anything, but I'll try to find out. Now, lets move onto the Snow Forts in style!

If you wait at the Town, Snow Forts or Plaza, you'll see this awesome limo roll up with Dubstep Puffle on the roof!

It actually tells you where you are. But apart from looking cool, there's not much you can do in the limo. But it does play Dubstep Puffle 24/7. If you try to go into the Stage, it comes up with this sign.

So everyone get get the awards and the background, but only members can get the other items. I like the middle item, which is called the Slider Cell, which must be a mobile phone with a slide out keyboard. Now, lets go to the Snow Forts.

Before you want to start shooting or acting in a movie, you want to look good. So click the coat hanger in the bottom right of the screen, and it opens a clothing catalog.

The items on the left are for everyone, and the rest are for members only. There's another page to this catalog if you click the arrow in the top right corner of your screen.

There's cool shades and even a grill! There aren't any secret items in this catalog. So, lets shoot a movie!

This is the movie set for Club Penguin High 3! Pretty neat! Click on the movie board on the clapboard on the bottom left.

Members can grab the cool Gold Letterman Jacket, and everyone can get the background by doing three simple things. Dance at the three different movie sets. If you dance at a set, the camera for that set turns green.

Once you've danced at all three places, you can get the Club Penguin High background!

Well, that's it for now! Tune in on Feb 16th and 17th for a guide on the other two movies! Enjoy the party!
Waddle on!

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